“Expanding Human”
Season 2, Episode 4 (36 overall)
Originally aired 10/10/1964
years ago tonight, The Outer Limits offered
up a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of drug abuse… beating Nancy
Reagan to the punch by almost twenty years.
At an
unnamed university in Nevada, where experiments are being conducted with
conscious-expanding drugs, a night watchman interrupts a brutish man who has
broken into the lab… and winds up dead for his trouble. The killer makes off
with several vials of various chemicals. The next day, the police investigation
is compounded by another death: Dr. Henry Akada, an instructor at the
university and a participant in the CE drug research, has been found dead. But
Akada is not dead---- he’s merely under the influence of a powerful cocktail of
drugs that has allowed him to slow down his vitals as to be more or less
Hart Bellaire, the program’s major funding source, threatens to pull out in light of
the recent controversies and also ends up dead, murdered by the same ogre that's terrorizing the campus. The killer is
actually the alter ego of Dr. Clinton, the head of the research project, who
has inadvertently turned himself into a Jekyll and Hyde by taking the CE drugs.
His mind enhanced and his physique augmented, he has delusions of
grandeur and plans to create an army of CE-altered cohorts to take over the
forces his colleague, Dr. Wayne, to imbibe the same CE cocktail that he’s been
using and, while they wait for the drugs to take effect, police investigator
Branch arrives for some routine questioning about the recent murders. He sees Clinton
in his CE-enhanced form and plugs him a few times… to no apparent avail. Using
Wayne and Branch as human shields, he makes his way to his car… but the CE
drugs wear off, and he bleeds to death on the pavement.
hard to believe in this prescription drug-addled modern age that, only fifty
years ago, the average person wasn’t on five (or more) different medications
delicately balanced to optimize his or her quality of life. Drugs were generally
prescribed on a short-term basis to treat specific ailments, and illicit drug
use--- while it certainly existed--- occurred a safe distance from suburban
white America (or so it was thought at the time). The idea of
consciousness-expanding drugs certainly wasn’t new in 1964: the mescaline trip
famously documented by Aldous Huxley in 1954’s The Doors of Perception had certainly
garnered attention, and LSD was poised to become the drug of choice for
America’s disenfranchised youth; however, it’s safe to say that, at that
particular moment in time, there hadn’t been a prevalent expanding of
consciousness in our great nation, so “Expanding Human” may have value as a
historical document of our society mere moments before it became numbed and
kids, remember the innovative direction in past Outer Limits episodes like “Don’t Open Till Doomsday,” “The Forms of Things Unknown” and “O.B.I.T.”? Those were all helmed by the brilliant Gerd Oswald (brilliant and prolific: he directed a whopping 14
episodes, far more than any other director). Remember that trippy panoramic
shot of the unconscious folks in “Second Chance,” or the surreal, Gothic
gauziness of “The Guests”? Those were lensed by Kenneth Peach (who shot a whopping 25 episodes, fully half of the
entire series!). Both of these guys were capable of genius-level work… so why
the hell does “Expanding Human” look so plaintive, so completely drab and
forgettable, so uninspired and lifeless? Offhand, I’d say it’s because they
were handed a script that left little opportunity for visual flourish and
clever staging. Yes, they could’ve certainly done more (I probably would’ve
tried a canted-angled disorienting noirish approach myself, just to make it
interesting to look at it), but I imagine they phoned it in out of protest.
It’s a shame…. even a pretty episode with a thin script is still pretty. And
this is a story about consciousness-expanding drugs! Some kooky, psychedelic
visuals to emphasize the transition from plain ol’ consciousness to
awe-inspiring expanded consciousness would’ve been absolutely appropriate.

the episode’s title, it’s apparent that The CE Trip™ doesn’t really expand
Clinton’s consciousness at all; rather, it taps into his baser, less evolved
desire for power and willingness to commit crime (up to and including
cold-blooded and remorseless murder), which is hardly advanced or expansive (“Contracting
Sub-human” may have been a more apropos title). But then again, there’s the
idea that humans can only access around 10% of the brain’s total capacity
(which is nothing more than a myth, albeit a persistent one; the recent
Scarlett Johansson vehicle Lucy is
based on it), so maybe that’s Cockrell’s angle: maybe the mind of man is chemically
shackled for a reason, and maybe it’s that restriction that allows for things like
compassion and kindness.

Here’s what does happen: CE-Clinton takes a few bullets, the drug wears off,
and he collapses en route to the getaway car. And… that’s it. That’s the end.
Pissed? You should be. Fans of the 70’s Incredible
Hulk series may recall the two-part episode “The First,” in which David
Banner encounters a man who, like him, periodically transmogrifies into a scary
beast thanks to exposure to gamma radiation. After watching the big guy toss around
woefully weak bad guys for five years, you just knew that he’d eventually cross
paths with a foe of equal power. And it was glorious, by God. That’s what
should have happened here.

understand the concept of consciousness expansion, but why exactly would it cause facial skeletal distortions (or any physical changes at all, for that
matter)? Cockrell never even hints at an explanation, leaving us to wonder what
the actual hell is going on. It’s clearly supposed to indicate a Jekyll and Hyde-type
of effect, but I would’ve appreciated at least a passing acknowledgment that
licking The CE Toad™ will make you look like either an alien from Star Trek: The Next Generation or a
victim of Proteus Syndrome.
So hey, what’s
with that weird chin-cupping death-grip move Clinton uses on the night watchman
in the prologue? We assume that it’s some heretofore-unknown method of
neck-breaking, but soon learn that the guy was in fact merely suffocated. So Clinton
used some sort of superhuman hand motion to suck all the oxygen out of the poor
bastard’s lungs, then? Pardon my French, but ce qui la baise? I’m reminded of
Master Pai Mei’s “five-point palm heart-exploding technique” from Quentin
Tarantino’s Kill Bill: Volume 2
(2004), which is equally ludicrous… but there, it’s kinda supposed to be. What’s the
excuse here?

Clinton in his CE-Enhanced form looks a helluva lot like actor Brian Thompson, who routinely terrorized FBI agents Mulder and Scully as the shape-shifting alien bounty hunter on TV's The X-Files. However, to my knowledge, Thompson wasn't CE-enhanced... he just looked like that. Or did he...? I dunno... the truth is out there.

A modified opening title sequence accompanies “Expanding Human,” gutting it even further (it was first shortened five weeks into season one). This new version removes the bit about controlling the horizontal and the vertical, and runs a brisk 28 seconds (down from 45; the original version ran a full minute and 6 seconds). This revision represents the final alteration, the version that will open the remaining episodes of the series, and here it is in full motion:
“Expanding Human” introduces us to one of Harry Lubin’s best music cues for the series: “Hostile Space” is heard when we first witness Clinton undergo the CE transformation in act two. It’ll be used again to even greater effect in “The Invisible Enemy” in a few weeks. We also get “Hostile Galaxy” again, and we’ll get it several more times throughout the season. Other cues heard this week include:
“Expanding Human” introduces us to one of Harry Lubin’s best music cues for the series: “Hostile Space” is heard when we first witness Clinton undergo the CE transformation in act two. It’ll be used again to even greater effect in “The Invisible Enemy” in a few weeks. We also get “Hostile Galaxy” again, and we’ll get it several more times throughout the season. Other cues heard this week include:
Dark and Scary
Hostile Galaxy
Shock Happening I
Desolate Lands
Mission of Discovery
Roy Clinton (and his CE-enhanced alter ego) is played by Skip Homeier,
who has a fairly impressive list of genre credits to his name: he appeared
three times on Science Fiction Theatre
(“Death at 2:00 AM,” “The Other Side of the Moon,” and “Living Lights”), twice
on Alfred Hitchcock Presents
(“Momentum” and “The Motive”), twice on Star
Trek (“Patterns of Force” and “The Way to Eden”), and once on Alcoa Presents One Step Beyond (“The
Bride Possessed”).

Lieutenant Branch is played by James
Doohan in his only Outer Limits
excursion. Doohan popped up in several of the TV shows we frequently connect to
in these pages, including The Twilight
Zone (“Valley of the Shadow”), The
Fugitive (“Masquerade” and “Middle of a Heat Wave”), and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (“The Shark
Affair” and “The Bridge of Lions Affair: Part 1”). But really, he won’t be
remembered for any of those (or his many other) roles. He’ll always be
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott, the engineer who kept The Enterprise’s engines
purring through countless adventures on the original Star Trek, the subsequent animated series, and seven feature films.
I do count myself a Simon Pegg fan, but his Scotty in J.J. Abrams’ Trek films pales in comparison.

Lee Morrow is played by Peter Duryea, who other genre gigs include appearances on I Spy (“Tag, You’re It”), Star Trek (“The Cage”), and The Fugitive (“Man in a Chariot”). He’s the son of legendary noir baddie Dan Duryea, notorious slapper of women in 1945’s Scarlet Street, 1949’s Criss Cross, 1949’s Too Late for Tears, and others.

Leland is played by Jason Wingreen
in his third and final TOL appearance
(he played a Helosian operative in “O.B.I.T.” and took a fatal dive from a high
building in “The Special One”). He has another tangential Outer Limits connection, which I feel a bit remiss for not
mentioning during our previous encounters with him: he co-starred with TOL alum Carroll O’Connor in All in the Family and its sequel series Archie Bunker’s Place. Wingreen has lots of
other genre credits, which we’ve covered in his previous episodes.

Shirley O’Hara plays a receptionist here; she was much more
accomplished as Dr. Soldini in season one’s “The Human Factor.” Daystar
Productions first utilized her services on their pre-TOL series Stoney Burke
(“Sidewinder”). Other genre appearances of note include The Twilight Zone (“The Rip Van Winkle Caper” and “On Thursday We Leave For Home”), Alfred Hitchcock
Presents (“The Pearl Necklace” and “The Silk Petticoat”), The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (“Death of a
Cop,” in which she co-starred with TOL
alums John Marley, Rex Holman and Read
Morgan), and The Fugitive (“Shadow of
the Swan”). A bit later on, she played a waitress in Steven Spielberg’s Duel (1971).

Detective Sergeant Alger is played by Troy Melton in his only TOL outing. Melton’s other genre work includes appearances on The Twilight Zone (“Showdown with Rance McGrew”), The Invaders “(Summit Meeting: Part II” and “The Organization”), and Kolchak: The Night Stalker (“Bad Medicine”)
And finally, Barbara Wilkin appears in a couple of scenes as Susan Wayne. Her acting career only lasted nine years, and the only other genre credit on her limited résumé is the low-budget The Flesh Eaters (also in 1964), where her impressive bosom probably should've received its own screen credit. Yes, before you ask, she's absolutely, positively a TOL Babe.
wasn’t in a big hurry to release “Expanding Human” to the home video market
(and honestly, why would they be?), so it was among the final episodes to hit
VHS in 1991. For its inclusion in Columbia House’s mail-order collection, it
shared tape space with “Behold Eck!” (now there’s a double-feature you’d need
some chemical enhancement to endure). And no, before you ask, it never showed
up on LaserDisc.
if Oswald and Peach can phone it in this week, then by God so can I. The next
two paragraphs first appeared in my spotlight of “O.B.I.T.” back in November of
last year, tweaked just a bit to work here.
second season of The Outer Limits has
seen three distinct DVD releases and, no matter which one you get, you’ll find
“Expanding Human.” The downside here is that every digital release has employed
the failure-prone DVD-18 format (dual-layered and double-sided). Those beautifully-designed
VHS tapes you've got in a box in your garage might just last longer.
you’re too lazy to load up the DVD (I’ve certainly been guilty of this from
time to time), it can be streamed for free thanks to Hulu. They’ve got the
entire series, so if you want to endure an ass-numbing Outer Limits marathon in front of your computer, that option is
happily available to you. However, if you’d like to do the same in front of
your TV, DVD is your only option since the series isn’t available on Hulu Plus
(unless you’ve got an internet-connected computer hooked up to your TV, that
you’re a Blu-ray nut like me, and you want to enjoy “Expanding Human” in
pristine high definition… well, you’re shit outta luck, partner. The
Outer Limits appears destined to remain stuck at a resolution of 720x480.
appears Dimensional Designs intended at one point to immortalize CE-Clinton in
model kit form. Their site lists a “Dr. Roy Clinton CE-Altered Ego” 1/8-scale
resin kit, sculpted by Marc Mascot
& Danny Soracco, with an
assigned serial number of DD/OL/EH-39. However, like the listings for Mr. Zeno
and the Grippians, there’s no picture, no price, and no way to order. So I
dunno, it kinda sounds like it doesn’t really exist.
Human” isn’t quite the worst Outer Limits
episode ever, but it’s not far off. It’s just so…. blah. The core idea is
somewhat promising, and the performances are fine, but it’s wasted on a
paper-thin, extremely predictable Jekyll and Hyde-wannabe script with
uninspired direction and cinematography. You’d think a story about
consciousness expanding would have loftier goals, but alas. Just Say No,
* Sheckley’s
story (alas, not Cockrell’s adaptation) was finally produced as an episode of
Stephen Hawking’s Masters of Science
Fiction in 2007, and featured voicework by TOL alum Sally Kellerman.
Another fine mess you've gotten us into, Craig. Oh, very appropriate to post this at 4:20....My Consciousness Has Been Raised! I don't even remember this from my childhood; is it possible I blocked it out? I'm still recovering from the "Cold Hands, Warm Eck!" comedy doublefeature. At least I look forward to the "Soldier with a Glass Hand" coming up next week. Excellent entry as always Craig. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteEntertaining review as always, Chris, especially considering the uninspiring subject matter. One correction, though:
ReplyDelete"This revision represents the final alteration, the version that will open the remaining episodes of the series..."
...except for "The Invisible Enemy", which still has the 45 second version used in Season 2's first three episodes.
Yeah, but there aren't any further alterations. I actually address this in my spotlight for "The Invisible Enemy" (yes, it's already written), so here's a free preview:
Delete“The Invisible Enemy” is anomalous in that it features the longer opening sequence from the beginning of the season (which was superseded by a shorter opening, starting with “Expanding Human” a few weeks back). The episode fell very early in the production schedule, so presumably it was in the can before ABC mandated that the opening be shortened. The rest of the season will feature the truncated opening.
Oh, and it's CRAIG, not Chris.
So my correction needed a correction. I'm both embarrassed and grateful. Thanks, Craig! I look forward to the rest of your second season reviews.
DeleteWell,despite your slaying of this episode I loved it!LSD turned me into an artist and I even played music with Robert Lansings son Bob,when he came to Blacksburg,Va. in 1997!So,ones mans trash is another mans treasure.Look up psychic vampire Pete Burris,Hollywood actor that took me to see the Exorcist on LSD!Tell em Charlie sent ya!Peace,Love,Happiness!Trumps gonna kill us all!
DeleteThere's not much to like about "Expanding Human" and to me, it's hands down the worst Outer Limits episode of them all.
ReplyDeleteThe best moment of "Expanding Human" is a break-in at a university lab, when an intruder rips a huge door off of its hinges and kills an unsuspecting security guard. It's a well shot scene at the beginning of the episode but unfortunately it's all downhill from there. For the rest of the episode, we are forced to listen to never ending conversations and interrogations along with numerous chemical cocktail mixing sessions.
Skip Homeier does an okay job as the pumped up Dr. Roy Winston, but he's only marginally effective as the super human. Your mind is more likely to implode than be expanded by Season Two's "Expanding Human".
Your review was immeasurably more entertaining.
As the rare French speaking OL Fan who actually regularly comments on the OL Facebook page (where I learned about your fantastic and VERY FUNNY blog), I must say that I have NEVER heard the French expression "Ce qui la baise" ! :) Am I right in supposing that you wrote WTF in Google translate and that's what it gave you in French ?? LOL ! Actually in Quebec French What the Fu** (WTF) would translate as : "Kossé ça Tabarnak ??!!" :) Au revoir mon ami !
ReplyDeleteOui, Clement. Oui.
DeleteHi, great reading! Enjoyed the breakdown of the episode and the connections made. One point: there was a scene where the ability to add super strength, intelligence, esp, etc, was shown at about 10 minutes in, when Dr. Clinton gets out of his car at someone's (?) house and talks to Lee Morrow, the student, who talks about Akada curious to try for the whole expanding thing. (whew).
ReplyDeleteI'll have to read more of your writings as they are, as someone mentioned, as fun as the show itself.
Any idea where the awesome apartments, Los Floras Court, is/was located?
I Googled 'Los Flores Court' with no results. I suspect these cool looking apartments are no more, long since demolished.
DeleteDr. Henry Akada
Mr. Henry Akada
He's an instructor, not a professor, as one of either Andes or Homeier makes clear in their dialogue.
Expanding liberals too many expanding liberals
ReplyDeleteAs compared to... shrinking 'conservatives' Need more braaain...😉
DeleteAs Roy enters the Bellaire building to do some more killing, look at the reflection of the entire crew in the polished wall. They got away with it on small TV's in 1964,but it stands out on a big screen in blu-ray. Which guy is Gerd?