Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Finally, finally, FINALLY!!!!!!

Get out your sweaters and mittens, kids, because hell just froze over: The Outer Limits is finally coming to Blu-ray. And those cheap bastards at MGM are NOT the ones releasing it.

The pic above kinda says it all. Here's hoping for audio commentaries by my friend David J. Schow (author of The Outer Limits Companion and The Outer Limits at 50), not to mention John Scoleri and Peter Enfantino of We Are Controlling Transmission fame. And hey, why not Gary Gerani too? And hey, I sure as hell won't say no if I'm asked to contribute anything. 

Watch this space for updates.


  1. Holy crap!!! This is awesome! I've got my fingers crossed for commentaries. Hell, I'll GIVE them $100 if they let me talk on a few episodes. Of course, all I learned was from Schow and you...

  2. Stay tuned for some interesting info regarding commentaries....!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Would love a boost in audio with everyone having home theaters nowadays.

    2. The audio on the current DVD is wretched, thanks to the excessive compression used. If that's the only way you've ever heard the audio, rest assured it will be much better on the new DVD set.

  4. Any chance of doing episode spotlights again with the blu ray releases?

  5. Oh goodness. I'm not sure what more I could possibly write about each episode. I'll definitely chime in with reviews of the Blu-rays when they come out, though.

  6. It sounds like they're going to put four (4) episodes on each disc, so for at least the first season set of eight discs, there won't be room for any extras, like original promos and episode commercials. Four 51 minute episodes on a disc seems a bit to much, three would have been better, at least for DVD's. Even in HD, the shows might come out a bit grainy, which happens when you cram too much data on a DVD.

  7. With four episodes per disc, there would be little or no room for any extras, until you get to disc 5 of the second season set. That disc would have only the last episode, The Probe, and presumably the rest of the disc could be devoted to extras. In other words, you would have to buy the second season set of 17 episodes, to get extras for BOTH seasons. That seems a bit cheap, but then I'm wondering how much money Kino Lorber has to invest in this project, I'm guessing not nearly as much as MGM/UA has if they'd been willing to do this series up properly, which, for reasons known only to them, they never have been. I would hope that Kino Lorber gets access to the original negatives for the HD transfers, but if not, at least prints equal in quality to print used for "O.B.I.T." on the DVD set. But I guess we can't assume anything.

  8. I think it's safe to assume that the majority of the extras (outside of audio commentary tracks) will appear on the season two set.

  9. While I am no less anxious than all of us to delve into all the reviews after the Season 1 BD set hits the stores, I really get sick whenever I recall how much I spent only about a year ago for a NEW Fox DVD set from Amazon Canada. Not the slightest scratch or mar on any side of any disc; condition is totally immaculate. But now I probably couldn't sell it for half what I paid for it. Might anyone know of hospitals or any non-profit orgs that take DVDs and VHS tapes in perfect condition-and I mean PERFECT condition-for tax deductible donations?

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  11. Craig, do you have any scripts from the show? If so, can you share them?

  12. Okay, so where the hell is it? Season One was supposed to be out by the end of 2017. No updates from anyone, no one knows anything?

  13. A "KINO insider" posted release titles and dates on a bluray forum. He mentioned OL Seas.1 would come out end of March 2018 (although that's not a guarantee). I think he no longer works for KINO, but you can follow the OL thread where news is sometimes added. http://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=292734&page=11
